Python Turtle : Create cool shapes graphics with Turtle on python

Python Turtle : Create cool shapes graphics with Turtle on python

Introduction :

Hello today we are going to learn how to create cool shapes with Turtle on python let's get started ..

What's Turtle on python ?

"Turtle" is a gui python module and a feature like a drawing board, which lets you execute commands to control turtle to draw all over it.

Installing Python Turtle :

    You have to install Turtle Module and tkinter Module .
So to do that you need to run on your command line :
$ pip3 install turtle


$ pip install turtle
$ pip3 install tkinter
$ pip install turtle

and if you are linux user maybe you should install tkinter by:

$ sudo apt-get install python3-tk

Start coding 

Initialize our file

As usual you have to create new python file etc.

Now we import needed modules :

import turtle

Creating new pen :

i will name it 't'


Preparing colors :

now we are going to create a list of colors to use. and we are going change the color of background. you can use any color but it should be on Turtle colors :

colors = ['red', 'purple', 'blue', 'green']### you can change the colors or add more colors
turtle.bgcolor('black')### black is now the backround Color

Loop to generate the shape :

Now we are going to use our minds to do some tricks to get a cool shape.

All i am going to do is do a for loop to draw 500 line. and i am going to control these lines.

this is the step to draw each line :

  1. Choose a color from the list
  2. Extend width of line
  3. Forward
  4. Turn to left by an angle of 59 degree /you can change the angle 

Code :

for x in range(500):
t.pencolor(colors[x%numberOfcolors]) #choose a color from the list
t.width(x/100 + 1) #change width of line
t.forward(x) #draw line
t.left(59) #turn to left by an angle of 49 degree /you can change the angle

and that's it

Full code :

import turtle
colors = ['red', 'purple', 'blue', 'green']### you can change the colors or add more colors
turtle.bgcolor('black')### black is now the backround Color
numberOfcolors=len(colors) # number of colors
for x in range(500):
t.pencolor(colors[x%numberOfcolors]) #choose a color from the list
t.width(x/100 + 1) #change width of line
t.forward(x) #draw line
t.left(59) #turn to left by an angle of 49 degree /you can change the angle




python turtle example,what's python turtle,cool graphics with python turtle,python gui turtle


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